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How Can You Help?

The Hebrew version of this blog went online in June 2012 and the English version went online in July 2012. 
I've been working on it part-time since 2012 and full-time since 2014. And I need assistance. If you appreciate what I'm doing and if you're willing and able to help, there are several ways in which you can do so: 

How Can You Help? 

  • You can have me invited to teach, lecture or talk, in Israel or abroad. For a fee. The list of my lectures in English can be found here and the (much longer) list of my lectures in Hebrew can be found here
  • You can have me invited to write op-eds, articles, columns, papers and stories. For a fee. The list of my publishing outside the blog, in English, can be found here and the (much longer) list of my publications outside the blog, in Hebrew, can be found here
  • If you speak Hebrew, you can translate posts from Hebrew to English. I'm always behind on that so there are always more posts in the Hebrew version of the blog than in the English version of it. 
  • If you don't speak Hebrew, you can proof-read and language-check the posts that were already translated to English. 
  • You can transcribe my talks in English so subtitles could be added to them and they could be uploaded to the Youtube channel of the blog - but this also depends on the next bullet: 
  • You can transfer money in a secure way via PayPal - any amount is welcome and appreciated - via the button in this link.
    Luckily, there are friends as well as strangers who assist by video editing, graphic designing etc. at no charge - but sometimes there is no choice but to depend on companies who do charge for their services, for instance for adding subtitles to a video. And for things that cost money, you need, well, money.
    I guarantee that this money shall be used solely for blog related purposes. 
  • I wanna make a difference in Israel and internationally, both in raising awareness and in creating practical changes. If there are any forums that it's important to introduce me to, people that it's important for me to meet, conferences it's important for me to speak in - any and all relevant connections would be appreciated. I suppose people who don't yet know me and my work would take me more seriously if introduced through someone they know than through a "cold" introduction - although I do my share of those as well too, of course. 

If you have any other ideas about how you can help the blog, it's cause or me, I'll be glad to hear it. 

Thank you very much in advance. 

Please feel free to contact me via email: 

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